Now that is great stuff [Ed. note: I concur.]. But come on - this is the 21st century, the age of TMZ.com and every Hollywood tramp (i.e. Britney, Paris and Lindsay) having flashed their respective uterus outside of nightclubs and broadcast across the net. How can there be no decent spankbank pictures of this woman? Why has she remained so elusive? There is not some jilted ex-boyfriend with pictures or video of her? Come on! This is my unicorn ... my white whale. In Full Metal Jacket Matthew Modine's Pvt. Joker is instructed by his Army newspaper editor to photograph a movie star coming to entertain the troops at a USO show: "I want lots of low angles. I want to see morning dew, you understand?" And now I say to you slimy paparazzi:"I want lots of low angles. I want to see morning dew." Break into the Victoria's Secret backstage dressing room. Follow this woman to the ends of the Earth. I don't ask for much.
Now for a quick movie review... I went to see the new James Bond movie Quantum of Solac, yesterday. Before you read my thoughts a I have to be honest and tell you I am a HUGE [Ed. note: spiritually and physically] James Bond fan. When I was young, I read many of Ian Fleming's books and while most kids were wanting to grow up to be a doctor or lawyer, I was wondering how I could join MI6 as an American. This depressed me greatly. Now I am a civil servant and I need a martini.
Moving on ... so I did something I rarely do. I saw a movie on opening weekend. I rarely do that and I can count on one hand the number of times I have done this over the pastfive 5 years. Casino Royale, Transformers, The Departed and now, Quantum of Solace. The reviews of this latest Bond film have been less than great. Mostly in the two to two-and-one-half star range from what I have read. They are seriously missing the point. This Bond is not an action hero. The pace of these movies is more deliberate. Bond is actually mortal. The villains are not superhuman but simply dictators and finance geeks. This is a 21st century spy movie. It has twists and turns, the action is quick and detailed but not bent on rockets fired from a BMW or Aston Martin. Someone once said that "There is nothing new about car chases, just new ways to shoot them." That is true and the opening scene is fantastic for just that. Keep in mind while watching it they wrecked 14 Aston Martin DBSs and one stunt driver died filming it.
Daniel Craig is awesome. I spent most the movie wondering how this film was made without killing him. The stunts are impressive and he obviously did many of them. Judy Dench is awesome as M and we get a peek at why her code name might be 'M,' which had me nearly jumping out of my seat. Jeffery Wright returns as 'Felix', Bonds' CIA counterpart. Throughout the movie, the whole theme is confliction. The characters are conflicted about who to trust, who is right, what is the right thing to do. Everyone but Bond, and yes, he is pissed about it and everything else. But he is right and that is why he is the hero. He is not conflicted. While his moral compass might not aways point to true north, he understands what his duty is. Some critics have called for Bond to take anger management classes (I am looking in your direction, Entertainment Weekly) but they must not have stayed for the last ten minutes of the movie. This is a character study in a sense. With Craig signed on to do at least two more Bond movies in the coming years (something a $70 million dollar opening weekend, a franchise record, can ensure) I think we will see an evolving Bond and it would be nice to see Bond as more than Tuxedos and Martinis.
This movie is well-written, the Bond babes are hot, the pace of the movie is great and the scenes are fantastically-shot. The characters are deeper than they have ever been in any Bond movie since From Russian with Love and gives the movie-goer his/her monies' worth. Bearcat gives this movie four-and-a-half out of five sugar balls. So go see it.
Now for video and links.
This one come from ClayTravis.net and shows what girls are doing when they got to the bathroom together at the football game.
Her screaming as she runs down the bathroom and the sound of the door getting crushed kills me. And thanks to this being the 21st-century and thanks to Deadspin.com, we know her name (Leah Logue) and have her facebook page (update the page appears to have been erased). We have this but we don't have decent pictures of a Victoria Secret Model!!!
The Dodgers have raised the price of their most expensive spring training game tickets to $90. Last year they were $20. Couple this with the fact that they now only let the kids in the expensive seats clamor for autographs during batting practice and it makes me want to hate this franchise. Guess they need to get that money for Manny from somewhere but damn, $90 for spring training. 90 bucks for split-squad ball. Please Cap, tell your team to go fix itself.
This is what being a coach in college athletics is about.
The Rooneys are going to keep control of the NFL's greatest francise ...
For the first time in nearly 25 years, we may have a significant change in how we interact with computers ... it looks like the computer from Minority Report and I totally want one.
That's it for now ... thanks for coming and suckling Daddy's Sugar Ball.
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